“Suriyelilerin Kayseri’yi Terk Etmesi ve Fabrikalardaki Sıkıntılarla İlgili Hulusi Akar’dan Açıklama”
TBMM Milli Savunma Komisyonu Başkanı ve AK Parti Kayseri Milletvekili Hulusi Akar; Kayseri'de yaşanan olaylar nedeniyle Suriyelilerin şehri terk ettiği ve fabrikalarda sıkıntılar yaşandığı söylemleri üzerine; "Bazı sıkıntılar olabiliyor....
Gaziantep’te Biyogaz Enerji Santraliyle Geri Kazanım ve Çevresel Koruma İçin Yenilikçi Adım!
Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından Oğuzeli ilçesinde hizmete açılan Biyogaz Enerji Santrali'nde atıklar geri kazanılarak, milli ekonomiye katma değer sağlanıyor ve zararlı çevresel etkiler ortadan...
Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi’nde 2024-2025 Akademik Yılı Tercih ve Tanıtım Günleri Etkinliklerle Başlıyor
Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi 2024-2025 Akademik Yılı tercih ve tanıtım günleri, 25 Temmuz-02 Ağustos 2024 tarihleri arasında düzenlenecek. Bu etkinlikler, üniversiteyi tanıtmak ve tercih...
Town Celebrates Grand Opening of New Public Library with Festive Ribbon Cutting
In the dynamic world of business and entrepreneurship, success is not just about having a great idea or a solid business plan. It requires...
Community Unites to Support Families Affected by Recent Natural Disaster
In the dynamic world of business and entrepreneurship, success is not just about having a great idea or a solid business plan. It requires...
Community Rallies Together to Rebuild Playground Destroyed in Devastating Fire
In the dynamic world of business and entrepreneurship, success is not just about having a great idea or a solid business plan. It requires...
Road Expansion Project Set to Ease Commute Time in Town
In the dynamic world of business and entrepreneurship, success is not just about having a great idea or a solid business plan. It requires...
Uncovers Corruption Scandal Involving Local Officials and Misappropriation of Funds
In the dynamic world of business and entrepreneurship, success is not just about having a great idea or a solid business plan. It requires...
Olimpic Athlete Reads Donald Trump’s Mean Tweets on Kimmel
In the dynamic world of business and entrepreneurship, success is not just about having a great idea or a solid business plan. It requires...
Program Will Lend $10M to Detroit Minority Businesses
In the dynamic world of business and entrepreneurship, success is not just about having a great idea or a solid business plan. It requires...
Kansas City Has a Massive Array of Big National Companies
In the dynamic world of business and entrepreneurship, success is not just about having a great idea or a solid business plan. It requires...